Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ensan Kan B 7ayatti 35

I sat there just babbling until I realized that her dad likes me!!! I told him everything he needs to know, cracked some jokes and I think he accepted me when he said “wldy” I was smiling like a total moron when he said that. He said all of his conditions, which I have accepted 1) my daughter has to finish uni…APPROVED 2) my daughter has the right to work. APPROVED 3) my daughter has the right to go with her friends…APPROVED. Then my dad w yadee w her dad talked together w ana w saloom talked to her older brother. We talked bout cars, and that he’s planning on getting a new car thank god I enjoy such things I used all my knowledge about cars and told him what I think is best suitable.

Then suddenly he said “Saif Al X ent wa7ad wl n3em feek”

I swear to god I felt something in my insides move xDD .


I just sat there they talked they laughed and I was just sitting there with a smile on my face. My Bb vibrated on my lap I rushed to see his response. We were flirting with each other x$!! I was blushing we were talking bout how our kids are going to be so awesome…

Salem: our daughter is gonna look like you but I prefer my lips on all of them ur lips r small

o.O offended!! But hey he said everything else is gd -.-‘’ but wth!!! He shldve said everything bout u is perfect >.> hah im so getting him bak on that y3nii my lips r nice their not “THAT” small T~T!!!

Sara: hmm( thinking bout whats not nice bout him and I couldn’t think of anything!) our son shld look completely like you …*Failed epically*

Salem: im going to love them soooooo much especially my daughters @.@ I’ll get them gifts everyday.

Sara: sure sure get them, my sons and I r gonna have fun and ur not invited!!! >.>

Salem: r u jealous :O

Sara: y would I be :O r u jealous cz ur not invited ? ^.*

Salem: nope

DAMN!! -.-‘’

Sara: cool >.>

Salem: but ofc im gonna get their mommy gifts every day too :D

Sara: haha gd and ur invited to have fun with us :P

Salem: hhhhhhhhhhh u were jealous! xD

Sara: a7bk :*******

Salem: amoOt feeich

Sara: ^_^ so0o0o0o0o0o :S wat shld I reply next xS!!

Salem: fdaitich :P

Sara: Oo oO Oo oO wats ur plans tmrw (felt awkward since I didn’t know how to respond bak so I changed the topic)

Salem: anywhere you want to go 7beebti

Sara: baby lazim asawi shopping

Salem: k 3yal tmrw nseer dubia :D

Sara: k k w the twins b3ad

Salem: -.-‘’’’ yay!!

Sara: ^_^ awww ur so optimistic ;)

Salem: xD pessimistic

Sara: J cool meta bnseer?!

Salem: a whole day there y3nii wake up at 10 and we reach there and 12 shop a bit lunch shop again then we chill somewhere

Sara: ok ^^

Suddenly my mom patted my head and pointed and the door. OMG time flew!! :D YES!!! I stood up salamt 3laihom and went out the door. I saw saloom there standing I smiled hopelessly just wanting to run and hug him!! Looked away and entered the car.


  1. loved it loved it loved it wallah sara w saloom ihabloon post soon a7bich ;****

  2. Amazing........ WAYED 7LWA UR STORY !!!
    Can't wait till ur next post!

    -M Al-

  3. 7abaiit el paart *o* ! bs a7s'h chee short =/! el muhm atrya el part el yay :D<3

  4. amazing post lat6wleen i'll be refreshing the page every second to c if u post so i'll be waiting LAT6AWLEEEN !!!!!!!!!

  5. Whens your next post !!
    Wallah bmoooot xD

  6. HellOw ^^
    i jst read ur story and i'm in LOOOVE with it ..
    it's simply AMAZING <3<3

    pllz Post Soon .. <3


  7. Omg I love your story !!! Please Continue posting !!! I can't wait I'm really excited !!

